By selecting a card, you can see the official rules for that card in more detail. Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game battles of legend: relentless revenge combines often-requested cards from each of the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, printed for the very first time, including new cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! rains, high-demand cards used in current competition, and cards targeted at Due lists who want to play with deck strategies and themes released over the past year and into the next one! Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game battles of legend: light’s revenge dug into the archives of cards Due lists thought would never see the light of day and produced the timeless! these monsters from the climax of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d’s proved to be an instant hit, and there are more where they came from in Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game battles of legend: relentless revenge including the 4000 ATK and def. BATTLES OF LEGEND -LIGHT'S REVENGE-This is a list of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG cards contained in 'BATTLES OF LEGEND -LIGHT'S REVENGE-'.