Enable console oblivion steam
Enable console oblivion steam

enable console oblivion steam

  • Fallout.ini, which is read-only by default for good reasons.
  • enable console oblivion steam

    INI to start with, as far as changing things is concerned.

  • FalloutPrefs.ini, which contains whatever settings were made in the Options Menu of the Launcher, plus whatever has been carried over from in-game saved preferences and edits to the other.
  • On Windows Vista and Windows 7, these should be located in the following locations, assuming C: as your install drive: ini files when modifying your game, especially doing so significantly. Those of you who cannot seem to get the console to appear, pay attention:
  • Using the console on the Steam version of the game will disable all Steam Achievements until the game is restarted, even if no commands are entered.
  • See the Troubleshooting section on the Discussion page for further advice.
  • Some Vista and Windows 7 users must disable/uninstall the "Infrared" device (varies from machine to machine, but has that same line in the name) to access the tilde key.
  • In this case, type several tabs to move the cursor in before entering your commands.
  • The left side of the console might not be visible if you're not using a widescreen display.
  • The mouse will control a cursor, rather than move the camera and left-clicking will select visible objects, rather than shoot them.
  • enable console oblivion steam

  • The game will pause, making you unable to look around while using it -be sure to be looking at what you want to change, unlock, etc.
  • The HUD will disappear and you will get a prompt ( |) in the lower left corner of the screen where codes can be input. (Example: §, ½ or | on Scandinavian (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian etc), caret ( ^) on German keyboards, ² on French ones, \ or | on Italian Keyboards, ' on Brazilian Keyboards, " on Turkish keyboards). The key is the top left key under escape, on non-US keyboards. Other keyboard layouts will differ, but the key is usually to the left of 1, and just under the Escape key ( Esc). The grave accent key shifts to tilde ( ~) on US keyboards, and the not symbol ( ¬) on UK keyboards. To access the console, use the grave accent key ( `) while in-game (Unpaused).
  • 10 Reputations ( Fallout: New Vegas only).

  • Enable console oblivion steam